It's here! Friday is HERE! Which means it's time for a rambling run-down of my thoughts for the week:
I've been busy gathering up and pricing old junk for this weekend's yardsale - I'm heading back home to WV for all the fun, where I will join my Aunt and we will try to peddle our stuff to the local townspeople in a team effort. My husband and I are trying to be proactive with our big move coming up in 2011 by getting rid of stuff we don't want anymore. I've found throughout this Yardsale preparation process that I wish I could build another bridal registry - the stuff I wanted four years ago is totally NOT what I want now! Can we say, "UNGRATEFUL"?
Regardless of whether you are interested in sports or not, you were probably well aware of the big Lebron James-free agent-"what team will he choose"-fiasco this week. Lebron announced his decision on ESPN last night: he will leave his hometown fans in Cleveland, and play for the Miami Heat alongside two fellow NBA all-stars beginning this fall. Ohio is MAD. Others, not so much. But one concept that this whole thing has me questioning is Loyalty. What makes a person "loyal"? Everyone seems to have differing opinions about it... and that sounds like a good blog topic for the future, so stay tuned.
I'm so terribly sad... Bachelorette Jillian and Ed Swiderski broke up! BOO HISS! Jillian is definitely my favorite gal from any of the Bachelor/Bachelorette seasons. She's now part of the design team for the new season of Extreme Home Makeover, and I'm super pumped to watch it! I totally love her style.
REMEMBER - SWEETS FOR THE SWEET tomorrow! It's a blog hop sure to satisfy your sugar cravings - check out last week's post - the very first Sweets for the Sweet! Start thinking about what your favorite cool summertime treat is, check my blog, and link up! I would love to see it grow, so please join in the fun!!!
Have a safe and fabulous summer weekend!!! And as always, *THANKS FOR READING!*

I am so sad Jillian and Ed broke up! I had not idea :( I loved her too - but was never really sold on him. I guess shes just too good for him!!
Good luck with the yard sale!
I was just talking to my brother about the Lebron deal. He commented about the difference in taxes.
It all comes down to money.
No state tax in FL.. and he'd be paying a boat load anywhere else!
Most of my family lives in FL so they are pretty excited about it! :)
I know what you mean about wedding registry fails. We didn't own our house when we got married and upon purchasing one last summer, our kitchen consisted of a beautiful mint green and all our things were red. I personally am not a fan of Christmas in July, and fell in love with the green. What's a girl to do but buy all new everything?! :)
Stopping by from the blog hop. Happy Friday, I'm your newest follower.
Hadn't heard about Jillian and Ed yet, what a bummer. I'll have to remember to watch her on the Home Makeover, saw her guest appearance and loved it!
They broke up?? No way! She was definitely my favourite as well.. Watching the current Bachelorette, this Monday's episode looks soo interesting. Great blog btw :)
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